I like to talk movies, and I want to talk movies with you in the comment section! Each week I'll bring reviews, commentary on movie news, and other rants about things which interest me in the world of movies and TV. When it comes to reviews, I can't see every new film in theaters, but that won't stop me from talking about my from 80's and 90's films. I love action and sci-fi films. So don't be surprised if I spend some time talking about Star Trek, Star Wars, or Jean-Claude Van Damme's last project.
Please hop into the comment section, and let's talk movies!
MONDAY: Editorials
My thoughts on movies, rants, and editorials on things which I find interesting in the world of TV and movies.
WEDNESDAY: Retro Reviews
Reviews of movies I love which I want to share with others.
FRIDAY: Latest Reviews
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