Hi everyone and welcome to my channel :) I'm Marianna, and I'm here to talk about books, movies and TV shows. Please subscribe to my channel for more videos and don't hesitate to leave me a comment!
↠ What my star ratings mean:
★★★★★ - absolutely loved it! (this isn't a rating I give very often)
★★★★½ - loved it, but nitpicking
★★★★ - really liked it, minor problems
★★★½ - liked it despite obvious issues
★★★ - entertaining, but forgettable
★★½ - average, didn't like it
★★ - didn't like it, not my cup of tea
★½ - pretty much hated it
★ - hated it, definitely want my time and money back
½ - absolute hell!
↠ Check out my FAQ page: http://www.impressionblend.com/faq/
↠ P.O. BOX:
Marianna Neal
P.O. Box 4866
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
✉ Questions? Concerns? Email me! ✉